I don't know if we'll ever get one but we for sure want one/some. My girls and I are cowgirls at heart. We LOVE being around these majestic animals. I got bucked off of my friend's horse when I was 10. I was sitting there in Cheryl's friend's front yard (they lived in the country...Nacodoches) on the beauty and Cheryl said: "Now don't give 'er too much slack in the reins. She'll think she's the boss." And like the next thing I knew, I was on the ground! She bucked me over the top of her head and I landed on my rear. It happened
SO FAST! It didn't hurt a bit. You know what
did hurt though? When we were feeding Cheryl's horses one time and we were riding on the back of her mom's Chevette going about 10mph down the dirt road to the barn and I for some insane reason jumped off! I felt like my legs were rammed through my chest and came up through my head! I NEVER did that again! And speaking of Chevettes, my friend Barb had a maroon one and her son, Doug used to drive it to school. Sometimes we'd take it to the store and he'd say: Let's take the Vette baby! It was so funny!
The above beauty can be found at Baskin Shires.