Monday, September 15, 2008


We stayed at our house for Hurricane Ike. We watched the news as he bore down on us. They predicted his arrival on Galveston Island at 2:00am. He arrived at 2:10am. He was powerful. He was harsh. Our neighborhood looks like a jungle. Our fence was blown down. Our 20 some odd trees in the back and front lost multiple branches and limbs. Our power has been off since shortly after he hit. Our neighbors have been very kind and have allowed us to get some power from them for our fridge and a fan. We've built a stronger relationship with our neighbors because of it.
I am literally sitting in my sister-in-laws front yard (yes, the one that keeps me in stitches) and am using their laptop to type this. People are just returning home and are filled with joy as their power came on not even 10 minutes ago. Allen, Cynthia, and MyRick jetted out of the driveway at break-neck speed to get to the gas station to fill up our tanks. One of the other neighbors drove by and told the good news! We've been to about 15 stations today and the lines were about an hour and a half long. Just as they were last night when MyRick waited to get gas for the generator that we've been using. Oh Ike! You've set us back. But you've not broken us. We're already on the road to recovery. My in-laws are sitting to my left and I love it. My girls are riding bikes and having fun missing school and visiting with their cousins. I've got a sweater and a blanket on me because I'm freezing! God has given us beautiful weather! It is so cool watching all of these moments. Oh! and last night Diba and Bella got to sleep with me on our pallet on the floor in our living room. As soon as I laid down, Diba was laid along my back and Bella was snuggled along my front side. I loved it! Especially my Diba. She's my baby.
I've had such calming and overwhelming emotions about all of us pulling together and helping each other out during this disaster. It's been wonderful for me and my family to see such an outpouring of kindness. My prayers, thoughts, and help go out to those who lost everything.


1 comment:

Ron and Jerry Ann Guidroz said...

So glad you are safes,. God was good to us. We are so close to Galveston and our house was safe, no flooding, even though they said the yard looked like a lake. The yard was a mess with limbs, etc, but no water in the house..PTL.