Oh! Oh! Oh! It's ALIVE! My NEW website is alive! I am bubbling over with excitement at this very moment!!! I'll be updating it and adding some new features soon. I've been working my fingers to the bone for the past 14 days getting ready for this very day! I've been editing, downloading, uploading, taking my headshots (didn't MyRick do a fabulous job?), looking, searching, finding, deciding, and soooooooo much more!
To all of you who have helped me to acheive this...I am overwhelmed and humbled by your confidence in my artistic abilities and your love for the photos and moments that you allow me to capture for you! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Go look around and come to leave your comments and warm wishes. I want to hear from you!
jamiephotos.com oooooooohhhh! I just love typing that!