Sunday, August 17, 2008

Welcome To The Family Baby!

Sitting prettty in the grass of our beautifully landscaped apartment in Kingwood were my girls. My youngest was not yet 6 months and I was taking their picture. My mom was standing out there amongst the lush, green landscape and tall pine trees with me wearing the proudest look on her small framed face. I loved what I was doing. I still have those photos and carry one in my wallet even today. I didn't set out in life to be a photographer. No, I was not that person who knew what I wanted to do when I grew up. My life has been a journey. One of finding out who I was little by little as I was led by the Author of my life...Jesus Christ.

I've found out that I have talents and abilities I never thought I had. Three that I can think of off the top of my head: teaching Sunday School, Singing (I'm not saying I'm great...just that I do love it (for I can get on the platform at church without feeling like I'm going to throw up! at least sometimes) and I love singing about God. A constant friend is He. And last but not least is photography. It's such a part of me. I look back over my life and all the signs of it were there, I just didn't know it. For instance (don't laugh!) I used to love to look at the pictures in my mom's National Enquirer. Hey! I said don't laugh. I was nine and they had close-ups of faces. And when I was at my dad's I would walk to the music store by his house. They sold actual photos of rock bands and rockers. And I was crazy about...about...I'm just gonna say it: David Lee Roth. I bought a handful of photos and thought I was really somethin'! I think they were $1 each and back then that expensive for a nine year old! ANYWAY...back to the journey thing and photography.

In 2006 I was blessed to have bought my first digital camera, a Nikon D50. I had half the money saved for it. I sent out an email to friends and family letting them know that I was officially "going into business." Some great friends of ours called MyRick and asked him what was going on and he explained to them what I was doing: taking pictures of whosoever would. He also told them that I was saving for my first big camera. Our friends said they loved what they saw (my work) and gave MyRick their credit card number and said, "You go get Jamie that camera today!" And with that, he headed out to buy my beloved D50. Totally a blessing of God. He likes to move through people. And He did so move through our friends that memorable day in November.

So a few months ago I set my eyes on a new sight: a Nikon D300. YAH BABY! Bigger, Better, Stronger! Yah, it's all that! So once again, I started saving. And I'm proud, happy, blown away, freaked out, and blessed to be able to tell you that yesterday I purchased my D300. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. What a great feeling. And like any new mother, I'm so very proud and want you to see her so I took some photos of her for you. Welcome to the family Baby! May you help Mommy capture the most incredible, blissful, wonderful, memorable, striking, lovely moments and images that people entrust me with.
Here she is! BTW, that's my mom in the photo by the lamp. I think she was 21.
Already part of the family.
Now, say thank you to your little sister (D50) for taking these photos of you. Okay, that's going a lit tle too far with this family thing Jamie. Oh who cares!?! I'm excited about my new camera!!!
Good Golly Miss Molly!


Deadra's Dialogue said...

Congrats!! I'm jealous!

Ron and Jerry Ann Guidroz said...

Congratulations Jamie!!!!
Your pictures are wonderful anyway and I'm sure this will make them even better.
I love you.......

The Daigles said...

Yes, girl! Passion about your gifts... that's what I'm talkin' about!

Abigail =)