Friday, May 16, 2008

Fresh Air.

The breeze is coming through my window gently stirring my hair and arousing my senses. Ahhhhhhh the freshness of this breeze. (abrupt halt here! what a difference a day makes. yesterday I was all about being funny and today, well today, this is how I feel.) Just dreamy. Just cleany (for I cleaned/scrubbed my bathroom-baseboards and all, cleaned out the freezer, swept everywhere-okay not my bedroom yet!) I hear the birds outside my window singing their sweet little songs. Saw the prettiest female cardinal this morning. How did I know it was female? My middle daughter taught me that "the females are "uglier" than the males because they have to hide Mom." Makes sense to me. I did no further research on the subject. It's really not fair though. Let's move on shall we? Ah, yes, the day is filtered with clouds that block the sun from beating down on us. The temperature is 76* and so peaceful. A quiet day. To go with this day, there must be photos to compliement. Until tomorrow...(wow that's sounds soooo, Scarlet O'Hara ;)

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